Read the first 72 pages of A Court of Frost and Starlight with us, for free!

You might remember OverDrive from that one time they released a huge sample of A Court of Wings and Ruin before the book’s release… but now you can also use it to sample A Court of Frost and Starlight!

Since ACOFAS is much, much shorter than ACOWAR, the sample isn’t as long — it’s 72 pages, or three chapters, long. Which, considering the length of 272 pages, is still hefty!

Just to catch you up: ACOFAS is Sarah J. Maas’s latest addition to the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. It’s a novella, so not a full entry in the series, and follows Feyre, Rhys & co after the war. Sarah is slates to write more books set in the world of ACOTAR, but they won’t specifically be following Feyre and Rhys.

OverDrive also has a sample of Tower of Dawn, if you’d like to catch up on Maas’s Throne of Glass series!
